First of all, just read to the end of the email to understand the title :)
Boy, this week has been interesting. First off, I ACTUALLY HEARD COUNTRY MUSIC!!! We were on a jeepney and they played Blake Shelton, and I almost wanted to hug the driver. I've barely heard anything like country here, so it was very nice (even though it's pretty bawal lol).
We had a baptism on Saturday!! Aaron is 10, and it was really cool because his dad was baptized right before I transferred here, and he was able to be the one that baptized! It was fun to be a part of that. He didn't want to smile in the pictures, which is unfortunate because he has an adorable smile. But it was a good day :) then on Sunday, us four sisters sang in Sacrament meeting. Yeah, like up on the pulpit! It was actually really cool to be able to do that, and it turned out really good, so we were happy.
It's transfer week, and I found out yesterday morning...I'M TRAINING!! I'M GOING TO BE A NANAY!! And I am so not ready!! Lol. I actually am really excited to be able to train, I'm just kind of nervous because I haven't even been a missionary for 6 months yet! I've only had one transfer in between being trained and training, so hopefully things will work out, and me and my companion won't be hopelessly lost all the time haha.
Alma 38:5 And now, my [daughter, Payton], I would that ye should remember, that as much as ye shall put your trust in God even so much ye shall be delivered out of your trials, and your troubles, and your afflictions, and ye shall be lifted up at the last day. When we give Heavenly Father all our trust, and just place everything in His hands, He truly will help us to be able to get through our trials, and to learn and grow from them.
"My message pertains to the only source of true and lasting peace, Jesus the Christ--our Prince of Peace...Peace can come to all who earneslty seek the Prince of Peace. His is the sweet and saving message our missionaries take throughout the world."--Elder Russell M. Nelson. I love being a missionary :) The message that we share truly is the message of hope, of peace, and of joy, and especially here on my mission, I can see that clearly. It's pretty much awesome :)
Love from the Philippines!!
Sister Payton Pectol
How I felt most of the transfer, ...but we ended good :)